Thelonious Monkey w/ Andy Suzuki Thursday 8/6 at The Baked Potato!
- 2015-08-04
- By Mick Wainman
- Posted in News
This Thursday catch a truly special performance with Thelonious Monkey joined by the amazing Andy Suzuki on bass clarinet at The World Famous Baked Potato! This will be the last public show before our own Jenny Ing and Chris Wabich tie the proverbial knot.. glasses will clink and dishes will break!
Thelonious Monkey, Thursday August 6th. Sets at 9:30 and 11
Chris Wabich – drums, arrangements
Jenny Ing – keys, sax, vocals
Lauren Baba – violin
Andy Suzuki – woodwinds
Ric Fierabracci – bass
Baked Potato
3783 Cahuenga Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604
Sets at 9:30 and 11
Post Tagged with Andy Suzuki, Chris Wabich, Jenny Ing, Lauren Baba, Los Angeles California, Ric Rierabracci, The Baked Potato, Thelonious Monkey

(714) 271-4788

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Burbank, CA 91503-4348